Thursday, August 26, 2010

international trade patterns are changing

international trade patterns are changing. now is the international trade more trade within the industry. any one industry, shoes Yehao the plane or whatever, may be broken down into many different production processes, these production processes it may be assigned to different countries. A good example is the Airbus A320 has been invested in the construction of an assembly line in Tianjin. Why such changes occur? in the very popular Thomas. Vladimir Freedman's link can be split up, assigned to different people around the world to do, and finally can be very convenient to the assembled. We have a well-known example is the production of notebook computers. chips produced in the United States, the motherboard can Taiwan's production, the keyboard may be produced in Vietnam, the display may be in Malaysia, but the final assembly in Suzhou, or Fujian. a product prior to market entry, it had already traveled the world in a circle.used to say foreign investors to China, are considered foreigners map is China's cheap labor. but this is already an outdated view. China's surplus labor are likely to have emerged from oversupply to shortage of supply, the turning point, after the cost of labor will only increase, not be reduced.

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